Sunday, February 03, 2008

The one who watched Chesty Nutty Bang Bang

Saturday 1 Feb
Drama Center

I saw Rodney Oliverio few hours ago :) So happy :P Ok ok... I saw him on stage la.. along with Yeo Yan yan , Jonathan Lim and Joakim Gomez to name a few. Yup, boys and girls...I was at the Drama center, watching Chesty Nutty Bang Bang: the hairspray of the phoenix ( the name si beh long ah :x)

It was my 2nd time watching Chestnuts, with the first being last year :) (Eek, to think that i missed so many other years ones ) So I was kinda looking forward to it and had some sort of an expectation.

Basically the cast did a lot of spoof of the local theater scenes as well as some of the popular recent movies. I particularly love the 881 segment and they actually changed Rihana's Umbrella into a hokkien song! I love that one... Oh, and how can I forget the Ribena "what are you drinking..can i have some ' advertisement ~! So cute :) Yes, it was worth every bit of my $17 ticket, though some parts I dun get it lah..coz some movies me no watch lah. The opening scene wasn't too bad..poking fun at the MDA mgt. video (the one with the horrible 'mda' in youtube)

Overall, it was a fun production and lots of sexual innuendos which is usual of a chestnut play.

programme notes ala phace(face)book style


Chinatown 1pm
True enough, it was people mountain people sea today~~

Went shopping for new year stuff with my aunt at People's Park. We braved our way through the crowd and managed to walk 2-3 lanes at the Chinatown CNY market. I realised how similar these stalls are when it comes to the things being sold. So there isn't much of a point to finish walking thorughout those stalls.

Were you stuck in one of these queues too ?

There were at least 5 of such queues scattered over Chinatown ~
yeah..the last minute rush to get those juicy, oily, delicious you can't stop at just one piece bar kwa! Well, if you haven't bought yours yet, then u better have time and money to spare. The bar kwa index are on the rise...with prices hovering around $48-$50. It seems like 'fun' to these people to wait in a queue for bar kwa..

Aunt and I stopped by this dessert shop after lunch . This place is very popular and recently was featured in one of the food programme on ch 8

the menu

Mango and pomelo --very good! fresh ...
one of their star dessert!

My aunt ate the sesame paste

Mickey and Minnie were spotted in Chinatown :)

Shall stop here for now. I have to embark on my spring cleaning. Piles of clothes are sitting in various corners of my room..waiting for me to pack them.

* it's almost 6pm....i am still packing.. done with the store room..still in the midst of clearing out clothes I hardly wear and 'i simply had to buy something for the day ' clothes ( some which I only wore once) faint .

Still quite stress..had a stressful weekend..minus the 3 hours spend watching chestnuts. It's really not easy working with someone who is a perfectionist..not to mention demanding at times. okay..back to my cleaning..Ciao*


incognito said...

i understand u're planning at cny dinner meetup thingy. i dont mind gg so here is a place i know of.

lai huat seafood restaurant (near jalan besar stadium). the last time i was there about 2 weeks ago the owner gave us (my family) a cny menu.

here is the address:

72 Horne Road. S'pore 209075

the owner's name is lim poh heng
hp: 97916780
tel:6299 3024

Eileen. 静 said...

hi Neil!

sure're welcome:) do join us... u free next sunday for dinner?

This Horne road..hehe..i know.. very near my place. but may be a bit too far for the rest. How is food there?

incognito said...

the food is superb. well worth the price. i highly recommend the sambal fish (their specialty).

btw who's gg?

Sheldon Wee said...

Hah! Eileen I spotted a mistake you might have made =x

Its people mountain people sea :P

Not mountain people mountain sea.

I never eaten some of these Chinese desserts before and the prices of bak kwa are up from about 43 per kg a week before leh. Ex T.T

ruth said...

Hey Eileen :) You like Rodney?? He's quite cute huh. We were theatre classmates in the U. He's not much of a talker, or then again, maybe he only talks to the chicks in the class! haha...