Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It's my birthday !!

I spent last Saturday with my bunch of good friends singing ktv and feasting on good food !

I bought myself a birthday cake to share with the bunch.. 
Flor Patisserie has many delectable cakes to offer! 

This is the strawberry souffle :) Note the tiger? hehehe 

Totally thumbs up for these selection from Beng Hiang!

Check out the kong bak bao! Each mouthful is such a delight!

Some group shots with my friends 

all in ! 

Here's one with my dearest sistas ! 
Let me explain the selfie stick! 
We were trying to shoot with it but was figuring 
out the angle when another friend took the DSLR 
and decided to shoot this shot.. hahaha..

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