Saturday, March 09, 2013

Couple activiy-- talk and activity by Marraige central

Alex and I attended a paid event for couples last Saturday.
I checked Marriage Central's website from time to time to 
see what kind of activities and talks they have installed for couples. 

This particular one caught my eye as it was a financial talk  for newly weds as well as
couples who are tying the knot :) there's also a DIY terrarium
workshop thrown in ...and guess what..not only that, dinner's inclusive as well!
All these for just $35 per couple! 

So yup, we made our way to the venue - Food for Thought at Botanic Gardens.
We were late and had missed out on the first few mins of the talk...
Was alittle pissed as we used the GPS to guide us and the postal 
code used was taken from Food for thought's website...
Little did we know that it was the wrong postal code!
We were led to another entrance of the gardens and had to drive 
another 3 mins to the right place when we were told that Food for thought is 
located at the Botany Center :(

The speaker for the day was Mr Anthony Tse. 
He touched on certain topics which we thought was pretty 
relevant..would be great if the duration of the talk was longer..

Now, did you see the fan on the left hand side? 
Yes, it was very unfortunate that the air conditioning 
wasn't functioning at Food for thought that day!! 
There were serveral large fans ventilating the place , but with the 
rain and humidity , it was not too pleasant.

The turn out was quite positive
It's a good way to bond with the spouses :) 
Can you spot us in the two pics below?

After the talk and money related activity, 
we were finally able to do our terrarium!

The kind people from The Plant Story
supplied us with the DIY terrarium kit :) 
the glass container for the plants is an apple!

Should have placed more colorful stones to the 
sides of the container...

Here's our plants!

Completed! :)

Was too hungry to take pics of the food... 
It sure has been a fun afternoon :)

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