Saturday, September 12, 2009

And so we waited :) Class 95 Giveaway!

We waited for it -- There was a 'gosh ..look at all those cars" long snake of cars ahead of us

We bitched about it - So many cars cheated!! They simple cut into the queue instead of joining the queue at the end . Really reflects the kind of integrity they have and how ugly people become when there is freebies

We crossed our fingers for it-- There were only 150 boxes of it...the next 100 will get something else :)

Photo taking while waiting

Nic..pls sit still the next
time u get a hair cut -_-''

At 6 pm sharp~ The cars started moving forward~ Hurray :) The snake just moved and stopped..moved and stopped many many times..

At 6.35pm...

Yeah~~ We got it not the decals of coz..ahem.that's not the reason y we were there

Carol from Class 95 with
the decals
See those boxes behind her?

Mooncakes from Fullerton!
Look at the box!
( worth $55)
4 flavors - mixed nuts, double yoke, single yoke
and plain one :)

I got one for being there!
thanks Chris!
It's quite nice..not too sweet..
I got the 单黄 one :)

Now Chris can keep her heirloom inside those 'treasure chests' hahahha There's jade too! haahha

Before we were at the Stadium, we visited dear Ruth at her roadshow :)

Do support her at Parkway Parade Shopping Center Atrium ( Basement 1 ) if you are there
She has many new bags and stationary on sale :)

Pss... those who didn't managed to get the moon cakes got a $30 bento set from the hotel :)


Jade said...

LOL @ the haircut!

And ooooo jade..

Eileen. 静 said...


yes Jade! :) don't we all love jade :)

June said...

I like the Fullerton packaging for their mooncakes! =) Was @ Fullerton Hotel last night with my bestie & her hubby for a drink & they got the mooncake too!