Now don't get misled by the title. It isn't anything like you think hehe. I read the reviews on some movie website and decided to watch it. It is about 7 couples with 7 love stories. Very similar to Love Actually..if u remember this movie 2 yrs ago :) I kinda like this movie. Brit.production..with Ewan Macgregor as one of the more familiar actor in the movie. He plays a gay guy who isn't quite committed to his partner. Not too sure if S'pore will bring in this film.

yeah, kinda behind times.. only got around to watch the full uncut version 2 weeks back. Simple storyline..but full of emotions and feelings behind it. Though I thought there could be more on Tony leung's character in the movie. Dislike Lee hom's character for he was wishy washy about tang wei..and how could he have had asked his friend to deflower and show tang wei the ropes in bed? argh! 真的那么爱国吗? 他们把国家利益放在自身面前。。。我想。。我是办不到的。。

one moment so matured and 'experienced'

汤唯--One moment so pure and youthful..

one moment so matured and 'experienced'

Honestly, movies like this one is one too many. The plot has been used over and over again. City got hit by epidemic (strange virus or strange alien, or some mutated humans), humans start to die one by one... years later a rare handful are alive and finding ways to kill the enemy. *yawn* I can name u other movies like the one above. How about Resident Evil, or 28 days later..sounds familiar? Enough said. One thing though..I like the effects.. the dead town ..the whole place coming to a halt :P
More films to look forward to this year.. I wanna watch P.s i love is base on a book..oh..yah..kite runner too :)
More films to look forward to this year.. I wanna watch P.s i love is base on a book..oh..yah..kite runner too :)
1 comment:
I am Legend is a remake of an Old movie dear...the novel was out in 1954. The rest may have taken the idea from this one. Anyhow I already blogged about how I feel about this movie. Cheers mate!
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