Monday, December 31, 2007

Snippets of 2007 二零零七回顾篇

snippets of 2007

Darn , I am having mix feelings about the coming new year. Part of me is sad to bid 07 farewell yet, part of me is looking forward to the new things and exciting events that will come my way in 08.

This has been a year of surprises and some setbacks , disappointments and minor heartaches along the way. Surprised to have found friendship in the most unexpected places and surprised at the way I managed to handle certain emotions of mine.

Strangely, I have started communicating with Mr P these days. Not to worry, the past is the past. We are still comfy enough to share a joke or two. Never have I thought I can be friends with my exes :p I guess it's always good to have another friend than to be strangers ..afterall exes were people I hold close to my heart once.

I am thankful for a bunch of friends who will listen to my rubbish when I am down . Without them, 2007 would have been unmanageable in certain ways. Of coz I am thankful for my family too, as usual putting up with my whims and fancy.

Disappointments were scattered through out the year. Friendships were broken, goals not met, promises turned to lies...oh well.. that is such of life and what makes 07 so special and memorable by itself.

May 08 brings good tidings and also more breakthroughs for everyone.

零七年。。。有欢笑,有泪水, 有忧愁。 我样样都牢记在脑海里。

--凤与我一起分享的点点滴滴。。 我们各自分担, 分享彼此的乐与愁。


--明还是围绕在我的周遭。时不时地 给我一些生活小贴事。 虽然已不常见面,但还是个不可多得的朋友

--敏。。即便你长年都在外国, 有朋友的围绕。。可你还是我的小妹。。不要把我给予千里之外

当然不可以忘了stomp30s的各位。尤其是当中的某一些人(another great year to stomp30s..thanks for sharing 07.. and am glad that our friendship has been brought up to another know who u are..)

二零零七年也就在我的台北之旅 画下一个完美的 句点。

1 comment:

Sheldon Wee said...

Happy new year to you :)

And best wishes lol