Monday, September 22, 2008

Sights and sounds of Eileen's Sunday ---Foodie's Club 1st birthday

Sunday 21st Sept Wine Affaire

It was a yr ago when we first met at Paulaners. It has been one great year of eating, drinking and merry making for the Facebook foodies' club regulars. We celebrated the group's first anniv. on Sunday over sweet treats and drinks at Wine Affaire.

save the Earth..recycle your cups



Saturday 20th Sept Expo Max Pavilion

I was given some tickets to Elva Hsiao ( 萧亚萱)new album showcase (thanks to my aunt) . Was told that it was a concert, but was disappointed to learn that it was just an hour or so showcase. Nevertheless, I attended the event with Chrissy and Ruth. I wouldn't really call ourselves fans of Elva, but we love her songs :)

It was good publicity for her as the hall was filled to the brim! I suppose given the fact that it was a 'free' event helps. We were delighted when she sang one of our fav. song --最熟悉的陌生人

we were seated too far from the can only watch via the screen

This is my fav. song!!
From Elva's new ablum

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