Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Cute III

Hey..remember the cute kitten, the one that takes a nap at my lift lobby every night ? Hehe.. I managed to captured her in her cute sleeping pose earlier.

*go away, don't disturb me..i wanna sleep *

*okay, i am awake...i think i smell food...hmmmmm*

hahah..at the very moment , there was this lady that goes around handling out food to the stray cats around my flat, and this cutie knew it was supper time..she woke up, stretched and went to her usual food corner and started munching away. Must be starving after all the sleep hehehe :)
Thank goodness there is no serial meow killer prowling around my area. At least the kitties here can roam around safely

Was at Bishan with Jandy earlier and we visited the new spanking Bishan library. It's located next to Junction 8. Just 2 snap shots of the library... has alot of comfy chairs..good place to laze the afternoon or evening away. Plus the lure of new books! hehehe. Expect lots of students mugging away as exams are round the corner.

*adult section*

*young adult, teenage section*

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