Weather has been fickle of late. It was blazing hot at noon . Apparently I was stuck in a major jam along Bras Basah..(right turn leading to city hall suntec area). All because of the IT fair at Suntec :/ Was on my way to meet Chris at Marina. There isn't much to do whilst stuck in a jam. I was listening to my songs as usually on my player until the battery got exhausted.
There was this middle age lady who was very pissed about being stuck in the jam. She kept letting out very loud and disturbing sighs periodically during the bus ride. Why get so worked up over something that one has no control over? She can choose to alight the bus and walk and not be stuck there :P
I was actually enjoying the ride..not that I like being stuck in the jam with the hot afternoon sun peering in the bus . Just that there is no point sighing or lamenting about it. So i might as well just enjoy being stuck in the bus. Of coz my music kept me occupied..and I love looking at the cars on the road and generally people watching :)
Finally met up with Chris and we had fun shopping and trying on clothes . Oh..Marina square is horrendously cold! So word of advice..bring a sweater. Ah..of prepared to be stuck in the jam this weekend if you are going down to the IT fair or to spend more money at the sales around Suntec area. Nicoll highway, City hall area..they are gonna be major jam hotspots. Don't say you haven't been warn.

*Don't we look like bees? hehehe*

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