Friday, July 03, 2009

It's July alreadly! It shall be a great month :)

I particularly love the month of July .. how can I not? It is after all my birthday month :P Birthdays are always a good time to gauge how much did one accomplish or in my case, not Sometimes, when I look back at my past, I know I haven't done enough .. but there is no room for regrets now .

I mean I seriously did enjoy myself during my twenties ( parties, dating, clubbing, finding myself...studies etc ) just that the slow pace of life now seems to be getting a tiny bit monotonous ( not to mention routine ) and I am missing those twenties pace :P I don't think this should be it.. something is lacking..

There I go again..rambling and whiny.. is this part of the aging process as well hhahaha

Okay, let's move on to another part of this entry. What has been good this week is I managed to satisfy my craving for sashimi :) That for sure is a plus :) Dinning with co workers brings a smile to my face as well..

Monday 29 June
Ichiban Bonshi Novena


He ordered this mushroom 'soup' dish... love the essence of the mushrooms! I think it's quite a simple yet deliciciuos dish that I can whip up at home :P

it has all my fav. japanese mushrooms!

This was my chasoba dinner set for the night :)

Dinner isn't complete unless we throw in after meal dessert/coffee! One simply can't go wrong with ice cream . Udders was just a stone's throw away..How can we girls say no to that when he suggested going there for part 2 :) It was not so long ago when I would have my weekly ice cream at udders ... those were my days at Novena.. kinda miss it :)

They have new flavors added to their existing ones.. We tried Orange Choco Bitters and Earl Grey~ while he had his 'must have after dinner coffee'. Ah, it was pure bliss being able to enjoy ice cream with a fellow ice cream lover .. that's Hui zi ( temp colleague) ..she's all but just 19 :) quite a go getter she is .

Tuesday 30 june
Golden Mile Thien Kee Steamboat

It was Derek, a close friend from the past :P who brought me to Thien Kee many years ago. I love it and subsequently introduced this cozy , retro dining place to my friends. I guess it is the simple home cook flavor and its unpretentious surroundings that made me enjoy eating this particular steamboat . The must eat here besides the main star is the 白斩鸡 chicken. It is cooked to the right texture ..not too oily, juicy and soft :P 白白嫩嫩的。。Everyone enjoyed dinner that night! and the chicken won the heart of Ben!

With that said, I have to announce that I shall not put substandard chicken rice into my tummy ever again
.. ie that lousy no taste oily fatty chicken rice at my office coffeeshop.

Justin and Ben tucking into the food..

As it was still early after dinner, the guys decided it was time for a round or two of pool..

That's Hui zi getting some pointers from the experienced one ( he enjoys passing on his skill) ..and Justin with his "chee soon juan'' look.. We concluded that he looks like CSJ :P

Friday 26 June
Dunman Food Center

Believe it or was my first time eating cockles this way :P Strangely, I do remember my family enjoying cockles at home. I was a curious child and was really tickled by those live cockles my mum and aunts bought . It was pure fun using a chopstick or toothpick to 'poke' them and trying to make them open their 'mouths' ..wahhaha..yeah.I was referring to their shells...they would open and close. I never got to taste them as it was deem 'unsuitable' at my young age. And with the awareness of hepatitis, my family eventually stop consuming this delicacy. so there you go.. my first time eating cockles straight out of their homes!

Good old pork satay and cockles ( that's hum for you ) .
That's Gabe's hands.. showing me the right way to eat it :P

Men and their toys!~ Going online while having coffee...

Hey.. I am feeling happier after posting up this entry! It is way past my bed time! I hope you had fun reading this as much as I had fun posting it : ]

Have a great weekend~


rinaz said...

Happy birthday! :-)

Unknown said...

If you like Thien Kee, then you must try Yet Con

Eileen. 静 said...

Rinaz -- thanks !~ birthday's @ the end of the month :) i hope u are coping well already over there :)

Gabe -- yeah.. been to yet con on several occasions liao.. love it too! and the chicken rice is excellent too :)