Friday, January 25, 2008

Finally finshed watching "drive of life"

That twitching spasm like feeling comes and goes ... I have never gotten it as bad as this evening. It was there.. once a few mins. at the left side of my lower abdomen. It took my breath away ( in a bad yucky way) the first time I felt it.

Have you click on my Nuffang ad already? Can you see it? Work place stress. Yes, I get all 3 of it at work or else where!! I am under stress (some stress is healthy..keep us going)..I at times still get to inhale 2nd smoke! and I am trying to curb the snacking monster in me !! Hahaha.

Click on it and watch the videos.. Are your co workers and bosses contributing to all the 3 mentioned things? The office can be a hazardous place to be in. They shouldn't stock up all the sinful snacks and coffee in the pantries :P hahaah. Bosses should try to lighten work load, coz of workers are feeling stress, they will turn to coffee, ciggies and snacks. All three are bad for health. In the long run, these workers may even put on weight, or couldn't concentrate at work. The overweight ones may become less productive..coz they are stressed, they keep going to the pantry or colleagues' tables for more chocolates, sweets and what not. Aiya.. how about stocking up salads, milk, cereal and fruits in the office fridge? Ok..i am going no where with this hahhhaha.

I guess you could tell by now this is another of my crappy entry. As usual there are things I wanna blog about butcan't yet chose not to :P

Anyway...I finally finished "the drive of life", a sixty episode HK China drama production. Wasn't really hook to it and even though of dropping it , but Charmaine Sheh and Joe Ma were in the drama( yeah..i like them ) ..and the storyline got better, so I just continued watching bit by bit and completed it just 2 weeks ago :)

One of the new actresses, Toby Leung (see pic...girl on the extreme left) simply couldn't her voice is terrible. I cringed everytime she comes on screen. Yucks.

Enough of my crapping. Need some sleep liao. The cramps are coming back. Darn, am craving for a nice cold mug of milo. sigh.

gonna leave you with one of my fav. old songs. You were there, by Southern Sons.

1 comment:

Sheldon Wee said...

The speed you watch serial is even faster than the speed I watch anime T.T