Monday, December 10, 2007

Two irritants :P

Got to know someone recently with a bad case of verbal diarrhea... due to certain constraint.. i simply can't blog much about this person. Heehee..but it's okay. There's a few friends whom I can yak about this person to. Oh, to add on to my 'woes', there's also another person whom I'm trying to lessen my contact with..why so? This person is one with a low or no EQ

But you know what, I still laugh and talk to these two. yeah..pretentious? Superficial? Yah..i know i am. But pls ..don't tell me you don't have some friends in your life whom you treat them like that too? You don't really like them, yet due to certain it work, school , social network, you have to be in contact with them.

Alrighty. I'm off to bed. Feeling groggy after a hearty weekend of food, family and friends.

Will update soon :)


Sheldon Wee said...

I meet such people all the time T.T

What to do :/

Army no choice :(

Eileen. 静 said...

not just the army ..such people are everywhere in society :P