Sunday, November 04, 2007

In a world of our own.... Mertius Mandarin

Friday 1st Nov
Meritus Mandarin

Once again we were invited to perform for another dinner event. This time was for a charity organisation--Lions home for the elders. I would have been thrilled if we were performing for the old folks but no..instead, we were there to perform for people who have contributed financially to the organistation. It was a prize award dinner for them. Honestly I wondered how many people were actually listening to us when we play :P Thankfully we played some pretty loud pieces..hope they didn't choke on their chicken while listening to us :P The Senior Minister of State, Dr Balaji and his wife were present too..

food wise isn't that fantastic, but nevertheless palatable

with Mus n Xin wei..our new member :)
i like these 2 photos!

At the table...all the way at the back of the hall
which was good. Almost in a world of our own.
We were basically yakking away, oblivious to the stage.
*hey..i need a new kebaya.. anyone wanna sponsor me? *


W.A Musxzart said...

i look gorgiss dont i? muhahahahha.

Eileen. 静 said...

are u trying to scare away the readers? heheheehhe

Anonymous said...

Wah so many dinners ah! I must learn an instrument for gamelan hor...