Monday, November 14, 2005

toilet habits...

I dislike going to public toilets. I am sure lots of ladies share my sentiments. Guys may be wondering why their galfriends, wives, mothers..etc take such a long time visiting the's why. There are some important steps to be taken before we actually start to pee or poo :P Here's a senario

Upon entering a cubicle, first thing that greets you is how pundgent the aroma is. Your eyes immidently focus on the seat, which is somewhat dirty(could be dotted with spots of pee or unidentifiable fluid). Your hands darted towards the toilet paper and you yakked it from the dispenser with great force. You begin to wipe the seat (notice that this action is done even on a clean toilet seat).

After you are satisfied with the wiping, you proceed to dispense more toilet paper. With paper in hand, you carefully place it either around the seat or line it across the seat. The paper has to cover the front portion of the seat(actually, this depends on how much your butt touches the seat ie how big or small your butt is :P) Now when this is all done, you are ready to sit down and proceed with the business.

You may ask why go through all these just to pee. Ah, do you know how much viruses are ladden on the seat? And not to mention that we have to wipe away the left over pee from the last user!!? Of course I would chosen a different cubicle to use, but in times when there is a long que, one doesn't really have much of a choice. Sometimes I do opt for the squatting loo if its vacant

1 comment:

Kelly Wong said...

this also must rant?!