Those of you who knows me long enough would prob.know that I can be quite a procrastinator. From postponing medical check ups to rescheduling dental appointments, to looking for a job, down to packing of my messy room, if I can push it away, I would ( if that is not procrastination , then I dun know what is ) .
I have had this bump under my eye for the longest time. It is like a small raised skin , neither itchy or painful. It's just there... serving no purpose at all , and it grew out of the blue. I suspect it could be my use of eye creams that are too rich for my skin.
I just left it alone as it wasn't affecting me much . Did thought of removing it when I was preparing for my wedding, but other things got in the way and as time goes by, the bump became part of me.
Just last December, I had a facial review to write and was introduced to a dermatologist . I did a quick consultation with him about the bump and he told me it was harmless and will cost me about $350 to remove via laser.
I was totally prepared to part with the money to have it safely removed. But the procrastiontor in me got the better of me again. I wanted to do it before Lunar New Year this year but never got around to make an appointment !
Not the prettiest pic coz sans makeup but anyway ... Here's the thing .. I had this bump under my eye for awhile ..I was suppose to make an appt with a dermatologist to laser it away before CNY 16.. that didn't happen as I procrastinated . At the same time, my eye cream ran out so I decided to just buy one that I have heard raves about .. The skin started to have some scabs after I used the eye cream for prob two weeks .
By and by, the bump got smaller and smaller and ok my ...itchy hands just got to remove the dry scab bit by bit ..the pic on the right was just taken yesterday .. The whole bump is gone and you can see some marks where it was .. I'm not sure if this bump was even a milla seed but I'm glad I saved some $$$ and got rid of this nuisance finally ! Glad I bought the under $80 eye cream ! I was prepared to part with couple of hundreds actually for the laser .
So here you go, this is the eye cream that helped me saved my dollars !
Fresh Rose Hydrating Eye Gel Cream
I love the scent of the cream, and it doesn't have the medical smell like what some other eye cream has. It is very hydrating .The area around my eyes used to look very tired and dry but it has improved since I started using this . I think it is very reasonably priced for a 15ml bottle. It is very easy to apply as it glided smoothly across my eye area.
I have since bought their face moisturizer and hope it works as well as their eye cream.
You can check them out here
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